In a some time, we will find using self-driving cars no more remarkable than we do using buses, trains or cars today. Innovations in mobility have proven to be particularly noteworthy because they bring profound changes in the built environment.

The research-project Avenue21 is integrated in the future.lab at TU Wien and funded by the „Daimler und Benz Stiftung“. The aim of the project is to research the possible impacts of automated driving and automatisation on European Cities. Therefore Avenue21 collects knowledge from all over the world, brings together experts for closer interaction and plays an active role in the discourse about automated driving.

The research-team aims to benefit from an interdisciplinary approach. Experts in Architecture, Urban Planning, Mobility, Sociology and Anthropology, together with three PHD-Students and two assistants examine the broader picture of the implementation of automated driving.

The results of the first two and a half years of research were published as an open-access-book by Springer Vieweg.
You can download it here: AVENUE21. Automatisierter und vernetzter Verkehr: Entwicklungen des urbanen Europa